Did you know that patients who undergo chiropractic treatment
Did you know that even newborns can have subluxations (twisted vertebral bodies) as a result of the birth process and possible assistance by obstetricians and therefore suffer as a result?
They cry a lot or have digestive problems and often they have a preferred side to drink from. This may be, for example, due to the fact it is harder for them to turn their head to the other side.
This is where it’s best for an experienced chiropractor to step in and take a look at the newborn baby. So that the newborn does not have to suffer unnecessarily, we recommend that they be checked over shortly after birth.
Did you know that there are two different ways that the joints can become worn, resulting in pain?
For example, there is wear on the spine, which has about 127 different joints.
Did you know that there are two different nervous systems (NS) in your body?
Chiropractic adjustment has an influence on both nervous systems – as an essential key to your health and the traditional vitalistic approach, which backs up the popular saying “the chiropractor is a miracle worker”. The harmonious interaction between “art, science and philosophy” is particularly evident here.
We are happy to accept your request for an appointment any time night or day!
If you wish to make an appointment at short notice, please continue to contact us by phone on our telephone number 0421 347 97 55.
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